Tag: disability

  • Why do I identify as someone who is chronically-ill?



    Layne reflects on their journey of self-acceptance within the disability community, particularly regarding identifying with chronic illness. They emphasize the importance of understanding personal limits, managing energy, and prioritizing rest due to their lived experience with Cerebral Palsy. Connecting with others in similar situations has provided a sense of belonging and empowerment.

  • International Women’s Day 2021

    International Women’s Day 2021



    International Women’s Day is an annual celebration which has been close for me since I started my advocacy journey in 2018. It’s a day to celebrate women across the world, and the success that have done, raising awareness of the stigmas and barriers that are still across the world to this day. I’m quite fortunate…

  • How do you live in an accessible world?

    Believing in things that aren’t physically there already can be challenging, and sometimes your goals feel virtually impossible. Living with a disability might mean at times your goals might be impossible. But, still, with putting equipment and little things in place your dream can become a reality. Here are four ways you can make your…

  • How do I celebrate this year’s IDPwD?

    How do I celebrate this year’s IDPwD?



    This Friday is the annual International Day of People with Disabilities. Since I left school in 2019, I made sure to celebrate this in some sort of way. IDPwD (International Day of People with Disabilities) is an annual celebration for people with disabilities. On the 3rd of December there is, to boost awareness about disability…

  • What are companion cards?

    What are companion cards?

    Companion cards has been an essential part of my life, but I always haven’t had one. To support people with disabilities financially, the companion cards has been very helpful for me. The companion card is for people with disabilities, and/or life-long conditions. Whenever you go to an entertainment venue or a secured park, one of…

  • We the 15

    We the 15

    With the Tokyo Paralympics just ending with it’s Closing Ceremony last night this week’s blog is about their new movement and campaign, WeThe15. Did you know that 15% of the world population is people with disabilities?! People with disabilities are the largest minority group throughout there world, but within saying the simple response of accessibility,…

  • Disability isn’t a bad word

    Disability isn’t a bad word



    Growing up, I didn’t really like the word “disability” or even “Cerebral Palsy”. Yes, this might not sound like me, but this was the old me, the me that I was too ashamed to call a disabled person. To have pride in you or to identify with the word “pride”, doesn’t necessarily mean that you…

  • What does it takes to be a young leader?



    Growing up, I didn’t know much about disability, and how society sees disabled people. As some of you know, I got into writing and advocacy in 2017 when I built this website, but within saying that I still didn’t know what I was going on about until I graduated high school two years ago. Since…

  • What is Para-sport?



    Growing up, I didn’t know para-sport apart from the Paralympics which was held every four years. I did sports as a child, but it was either RDA (Riding Disabled Association) or normal sport with non-disabled kids. Para-sport is able-bodied sports which is modified for people with physical, intellectual and sensory disabilities. This modification can be…

  • What is cerebral palsy?



    Today marks the start of Cerebral Palsy (CP) Awareness Month, a month to educate others about CP. Started in 2006 from Reaching for the Stars, A Foundation of Hope for Children with Cerebral Palsy – RFTS, a non-profit organisation which run by parents of children with cerebral palsy. These people help raise awareness about cerebral…