Category: Accessibility
Catching transport
The blog discusses Layne’s reliance on alternative transportation due to their disabilities and anxiety. They rely on services like Uber and Didi, with occasional use of public transport. Layne also shares experiences with drivers and provides suggestions for better accommodating passengers with disabilities. They emphasize the importance of ensuring their security and comfort during rides.
Time for a change – 5 tips for hair
Hair has always been a battle for me, and just recently I decided to cut it short, back to how it used to be. Over the past couple years, I have been trying to challenge my Cerebral Palsy to see how long my hair can go. As many of you know, I have Cerebral Palsy,…
How do you live in an accessible world?
Believing in things that aren’t physically there already can be challenging, and sometimes your goals feel virtually impossible. Living with a disability might mean at times your goals might be impossible. But, still, with putting equipment and little things in place your dream can become a reality. Here are four ways you can make your…
What is a shoehorn?
Have you tried a shoehorn? Wait…what? I didn’t know about shoehorns until my physio said it too me years ago, as I attempted to get my sneakers on. So, I have once again recently brought this and OMG it works so well. A shoehorn is a stick that you use to make sure the hinge…
Cross-over bags vs backpacks
For someone that has some balance issues I use a cross-over bag over a backpack. The reason for this is because if a bag is too heavy on my back, I will either fall backwards or forwards; compared to a cross-over bag I even it out enough in the pockets so that the cross-over bag…
Are audiobooks real?
The answer is yes, and since Audible came around in 2004 they’ve been a massive advantage for people with disabilities. Audiobooks were both on audible and iBooks for a while, but I was quite hesitant to start using audiobooks. At school we were taught how to read, rather than taught the different ways of accessing…
What are companion cards?
Companion cards has been an essential part of my life, but I always haven’t had one. To support people with disabilities financially, the companion cards has been very helpful for me. The companion card is for people with disabilities, and/or life-long conditions. Whenever you go to an entertainment venue or a secured park, one of…
What to wear in summer?
The weather here in Perth has been a little bit crazy lately, but it’s really a countdown to summer; to get our shorts, tank tops and dresses out and ready to wear. So, today I’m going to share with you some tips on things to look out for, but also some stores that I recommend…
How is self care important?
Self-care is such an important part of a person’s life. For the past twelve months, I have been focusing on this a lot more then I have previously. I believe if you have enough self-care activities within the month, then you have mentally rest enough to do the things that you love to do. Before…
What to wear in winter?
For as long as I can remember I struggled to find clothes that I liked which was also accessible to my needs. As a young person living with a disability, I believe that we shouldn’t have to struggle with finding clothes that we like which are also accessible to our individual needs. In Western Australia,…