The National Disability Insurance Scheme, which is also called as the NDIS, isn’t doing the promises that said they would do to thousands of Australians living with a disability.
What is the NDIS?
When Julia Gillard was in power at the time, she wanted to see a changed within the government funding system, since then government brought a pond the NDIS. Since July of 2013 millions of people joined the NDIS who people who are living with a disability.
With bringing the NDIS to Australia hundreds of disabled people can get the funds that they need, but not everyone gets the funding. The NDIS were originally created for the sickest and disadvantage people of Australia, but they didn’t know how many people needed the funding.

Where does the funding go?
Since the NDIS was established in 2013 there has been allot of complaints from their clients, and they usually end up in court. Funding is going out there, but it’s not going to everyone who needs it. Clients who are with the NDIS need funding for things like hospital bills, therapy, accessibility around their home and accessibility out in the community, these are things that many Australians don’t need.
From the statistics in February of 2018, there has been over 620 reviews are asked by the NDIS clients on a weekly basis, and only 200 of them get reviewed. No one really knows where their funding goes to, and if they get funded at all.
Many of us do not know where the funding is going. The funding is brought upon the NDIS theme selves, as you get no say in how much is given towards things like therapy, and then they give it to the company you are with. One of the recent changes within the NDIS is that you can get funding yourself, many clients don’t know this as the government doesn’t want this to happened. Therefore, the NDIS makes it really hard for clients to do this.
The NDIS is controlled by a heap of different people who are talking over the phones, people who do not know a person who has a disability. These people do not know what it’s like to be disabled, and they don’t know what it’s like to be told “no” because of, something the person needs to have within their life. There has been so many complaints to the NDIS, and this is why. If they came out to our homes yearly to do assessments on what we need and don’t need then it will be fine, but they don’t.
The Australian government wanted to see a change within society. And it has changed for some people living with a disability, but for most of them the NDIS haven’t been funding much that they need.
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