Mental health awarness week is from the 10th-17th of October. This is a week to educate others and to speak up about mental health.
2020 has been tough on all of us, especially due to current global pandemic of COVID-19. And this situation has all impacted us all in one way or the other. I know that some of my friends have gained positive outcomes due to this situation. Whilst, others just went downhill, and THIS IS OKAY!
Mental health is different to everyone, and every person that has experienced or is experiencing mental is experiencing for many different reasons, and people cope with this in many different ways.

For me, as a disabled person who hasn’t had a great experience with non-disabled people acceptance in high school, as a result of this I do have anxiety. I believe it’s so important for people to reach out, especially when they have mental health, which is for me, anxiety. You can’t see mental health, but this is real, and it appears in a person’s life in one or another.
There are some people you can reach out to for help:
- If you know someone that is affected by mental health, please reach out;
- Beyond Blue – 📞 1300 22 4636
- Lifeline – 📞 13 11 14
- Headspace – (they have different phone numbers for different locations around the country)
- Mable (online disability support service) – 📞 1300 736 573
- SANE Australia – (03) 9682 5933
Thank you for reading my blog. Please share this with anyone who needs to hear this.
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